May Fair Hotel

Accommodations • London, England United Kingdom

The May Fair Hotel is a luxury hotel on Stratton Street in Mayfair, London, that first opened in 1927 near the site of Devonshire House in Piccadilly. The hotel is now owned by Edwardian Hotels, and Inderneel Singh, son of the chairman and CEO Jasminder Singh, is the managing director.The 404-room hotel completed a $150 million renovation in November 2006 that updated the hotel, which opened in 1927 with King George V and Queen Mary in attendance. The building also houses the May Fair Theatre, which opened in 1963.A blue plaque unveiled in 2005 on the building commemorates dance band leader Bert Ambrose, who performed regularly at the hotel. In June 2019, the hotel joined the Radisson Collection brand of luxury hotels.

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