De Morgan Centre

Museum • London, England United Kingdom

The De Morgan Centre for the Study of 19th Century Art and Society was a gallery in the London Borough of Wandsworth, England, which was home for a few years to the De Morgan Collection – a large collection of the work of the Victorian ceramic artist William De Morgan and his wife, the painter Evelyn De Morgan. William De Morgan's work was inspired by Middle Eastern and particularly Iznik ceramics which created in vivid blue and green glazes. De Morgan is also credited with the rediscovery in Victorian Britain of the art of lustre glazes. Evelyn De Morgan's art is notable for her rich use of colour and her emphasis on strong female protagonists. The De Morgans were involved in the social issues of the day such as women's suffrage, and this engagement was covered by the museum.

The De Morgan Collection includes oil paintings, ceramics, drawings and archive material related to the De Morgans and their circle and it was formed by Evelyn De Morgan's sister, Mrs Wilhelmina Stirling, who…

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