Carlyle's House

Carlyle's House

• London, England United Kingdom

Carlyle's House, in Chelsea, central London, was the home acquired by the historian and philosopher Thomas Carlyle and his wife Jane Welsh Carlyle, after having lived at Craigenputtock in Dumfriesshire, Scotland. She was a prominent woman of letters, for nearly half a century. The building dates from 1708 and is at No. 24 Cheyne Row; the house is now owned by the National Trust.

The building is a typical Georgian terraced house, a modestly comfortable home where the Carlyles lived with one servant and Jane's dog, Nero. The house was opened to the public in 1895, just fourteen years after Thomas's death. It is preserved very much as it was when the Carlyles lived there, despite a later occupant with scores of cats and dogs.

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